
suka suki gila lensa

suka suki gila lensa
apabila sy sudah mla gila melensa , nobody can stop me !

fwenz ! again n again !

QuotationsFind a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep... wait for the boy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks you' re just as pretty without makeup on. One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have YOU... The one who turns to his friends and says, "thats her"...

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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

frust =.=

Gilaaaaaaa ! hah lepas perasaan sbb frust gila babeng. 1st date kau dgn aq pun kau dahh buat hal neh 1st time taw ta aq fall in love gila-gila dgn kau tp kann sanggup kau buat perangai dgn aq :'( dulu msa aq tgk kau memang lahh mcm ta dew perasaan g2 tp skrang kau dahh manderem aq bia jd gila kat kau, kau taruk ubat ape hah ? dahhh lah rmai mnat kat kau npk nyer tergugat lahh aq okeee aq mcm nk surrender je dri terus fall in love smpai kemaruk tgk kau even dalam mimpi. MAYBE first date neh last date between us i think. kalau lahh jodoh kita ta pnjang kann aq errrr terpaksa simpan kenangan kita dlm otakkk je skurang-kurang nyee aq pernah couple dgn kau *okeee aq bangga =.=  hurm BIO oh BIO hancusss berkecai aq tgk kau td confirm memang aq kena drop kau, ape punya susah lahh kau td hurmm nk copy yg org sbelah punyer answer cg dok tengok n jeling2 cm ta puass aty je dgn aq huh cg sy punyer psl lahh nk tiru ke ape ke yg cg kesaaa pe hal ad sy guna mata cg ke aishh geram je nk ckp cm tuhh *blah lahh mce lahh brani sangat ! tgk jam td bru pukul 10 a.m okeee tido lahh dlu lmbt lagi msa nk abis tdoe dalam 10 minit then bgn smbung jwb soalan. HAH jwb punyer jwb kosong je byk paper aq msa ad 20 minit lg *hurmm tunggullah nanti times up org mesti kalut nk pungut kertas mse tu lahh nk copy n paste pun  tapikan laen yg jd cg kata *okee semua masa menjawab suda tamat sila letak pen SEKARANG jgn pusing kiri dan kanan letak alat tulis anda atas lantai CEPAT !!  mak aii terkejut thap gaban siot hilang angan2 nk tiru so kertas pun ape lagi kosong la msa tuhh gabra gilerr nk nanges pun ad tp kann kat luaran npk COOL je dlm hati nanges ! so confirm BIO aq failed :( 
esokk exam fizik dgn addmath perlu ke stdy ? haha ta perlu kot sbb mcm ta de mood g2 n esokk aq nk TRY catat rekod nk tinggal kosong je paper sbb klu aq jwb pun memang sah lahh slah sbb aq ta suka +math dgn fizik urghh blahhh lahh korang. dari aq drop bio baek aq drop dua subjek tuhh >.<

okeee nk smbung baca novel mls stdy byeeee

♡ ♡ ♡

way to release stress before bio exam *snapping :P
sayang damn much 

♡ ♡ ♡

i wish theres still a change for me to be with u and i will prove my love to u :(
okee better aq drop bnda neh >.< sy NO to them 
motif gpo bena aq amek gmbr neh jah ? hurm nk tunjuk betpa syg nyo ko bio :P

woah unik kan ? erm ta lahh sgt BIO syg kan kan ? *ching

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