opppps mesti nk thu kan sape dy ? hahaha thats my brother la and i loveeeee him so much. dia abg sy dunia akhirat walaupun bukan abg kandung. his full name is ADAM HIRZI such a nice name rite haha oyeahhhh he is the best brother in the world no one can replace him, and nothing can describes about him because he is to perfect for me
he always TAKE CARE of us (me and jane) OHHMAAYYY brother kitorang sweet okay ! i promise myself to take care of him always. sy tk kan couple selagi dy tk couple thats one of my promise :)
okay la tk nk tulis entry panjang-panjang nanti korang menyampah nk baca. kalau ad HOT story bru dira update okayy bye *chingg
okayyy this is my brotHEr :D
p/s: spoo nk gewe dgn dy kenooo jurus deah. hehe ;)
If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.
suka suki gila lensa

apabila sy sudah mla gila melensa , nobody can stop me !
fwenz ! again n again !
Quotations | Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep... wait for the boy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks you' re just as pretty without makeup on. One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have YOU... The one who turns to his friends and says, "thats her"... |

About Me
Friday, August 26, 2011
Friday, August 19, 2011
ya allah last entry bulan 4 ? biar betul ! dira minta maaf sgt sebab tk sempat nk update blog tgk blog ni pun dah berhabuk *puih puih.. mlas nk ckap bnyk ye lah bulan puasa kan ni dra update ni pun sbb nak ckp RAYA DAH NAK DEKAT YEAYY haha over excited la pulak bila cyter hal raya ni. Mesti korang pun tk sbr jgk kan raya ? tapi jd sedih pulak bila teringat kat org-org yang tak de mak bapak kat luar sana msti diorang tk de semangatkan nak raya. hurmmm try letak diri kita ni di tempat diorang boleh tk kita hadapi kehilangan parents. tapi klau dira lah swear DIRA TK BOLEh hidup tanpa diorang. tu lah hargailah PARENTS korang sementara ad masa lagi ni. okayy lah dira nak pergi bazar ramadhan ni. byeeeee loveee youuuu :)
Thursday, April 28, 2011
bila kesibukan melanda
Dah lama saya tak update blog ni kan ? hmmm , accually tak tahu nak post apa kat blog nie tambah pulak dgn kesibukan yg melanda sy sekarang. nk taw kenapa ? haha haii maklum laa i can artis g2 sekarang * OHH SWEAR MAKCIK NI PERASAN GILA ! tu la kan sape suruh masuk itu masuk ini tgk sampai belajar pun ta taw kemana dah la masuk klas pun seminggu skali. BUKAN sy sengaja okay ta msk klas tp sbb tarian dan wayang kulit n bla bla bla......... show untuk wayang kulit baru je selesai next week pulak pertandingan tarian next week satu lg exam urghhhh kau mampu ke wahai cik DIRA sayang ? tambah lg dgn org duk mengata group tarian ala mengata sebab dengki kan ? HAKTUIHHH wtf la ! wish me luck for next week competition :)
kalah menang adat pertandingan tp klu kalah pun bia bermaruah <------------- okay ayat cg zz haha
okay la mls nk tulis entry panjang lebar nanti korang bosan baca nanti lain kali dra tulis panjang2 tp kan lain kali tu bila tahun depan ? haha nak tgk gambar yg jd hantu selepas dimake up kan ? tgk kat bwah hehe
hantu ? haha yess memang mcm hantu
ad kakak tu kata 'klu sy jumpe awk tgh malam confirm sy lari'
che pond a.k.a jurumake up
kalah menang adat pertandingan tp klu kalah pun bia bermaruah <------------- okay ayat cg zz haha
okay la mls nk tulis entry panjang lebar nanti korang bosan baca nanti lain kali dra tulis panjang2 tp kan lain kali tu bila tahun depan ? haha nak tgk gambar yg jd hantu selepas dimake up kan ? tgk kat bwah hehe
hantu ? haha yess memang mcm hantu
ad kakak tu kata 'klu sy jumpe awk tgh malam confirm sy lari'
che pond a.k.a jurumake up
Saturday, March 19, 2011
meet new friend :D
OYEAHHH ! letih tapi happy. nk dekat sebulan dah knl dlm fb tp hari ni baru bleyy face to face dgn black worm azmir a.k.a azmir n zack zakirin woahhh org hot tuu ad jelous ta ? dalam bnyk2 tempat kat mall tuhh kitorang pilih noodles bkn apee lepak kat c2 best enjoyy g2. JANJI dgn syafiq nk lepak skali tp kan dy lmbat smpai yg smpai dulu azmir tuu lahh. so lepak je dgn dy haha masa tgh borak-borak tuu kan npk pejo dgn geng-geng dy yg rmai nk mati tuu hurmm oyeahh sy da agak 'dy' tuu mesti ad secara spontan dia tgk sy n sy tgk dy okeeee malu bercampur aduk dgn takot jumpa dy. hurm after that buat bodohh je mcm ta de sape-sape pun kat c2. 'hey awk jgn pndang sy boleyy ta ?' 'bila masa sy pndang awk?' alahai terkena balikk urghh cara lahh. haha. suka prgi mall hari neh coz dapat jumpa rmai kwn-kwn kat fb okeee laa tu kan dapat kawan baru klu kat noodles ta pyh ckp perghhh rmai giler conclusion : rmai manusia SIC conquer
lepak kat noodles nk dekat 3 jam handoii lama choii then tengok jam OMG -.- nk dekat pkl 5 dah then zack sruh teman dy cri baju kemeja wrna purple *alaa favourite sy tuhh cri punya cri wrna purple ta de okeee wohooo bju ta de jom pergi POPULAR hai maklum lahh org kuat stdy biasaaaa. lps tengok-tengok buku we all decide nk balik. a very big thank too azmir and zack coz sudi hantar diera dgn jane balik. kitorang sempat lg photoshoot kat ridel tuu auwwww untung kan kalau ad kwn photographer cm tuu biaa pun baru first time jumpa tp dy baek sgt handoiii cair sy tgk awk ohh NO tipu jeeee haha kan ta psl-psl ad org jelous xD. habis je snap terus balikkkk buka fb sruh diorang upload gmbr *gila ta sbr-sbr haha jom tgk gmbr ;)
ohh harap awk ta jelous. jgn jelous okeeeee ?
auuuwwww awk smak.
our photographer become model. haha weird -.-
candid. alahai cantik gmbr. biasaaa la photographer pro g2 kan .
p/s : zack nak photoshoot lg lahh td tuu ta berapa nk ready. haha mak aii ngade-ngade nk mampuss kau diera !
lepak kat noodles nk dekat 3 jam handoii lama choii then tengok jam OMG -.- nk dekat pkl 5 dah then zack sruh teman dy cri baju kemeja wrna purple *alaa favourite sy tuhh cri punya cri wrna purple ta de okeee wohooo bju ta de jom pergi POPULAR hai maklum lahh org kuat stdy biasaaaa. lps tengok-tengok buku we all decide nk balik. a very big thank too azmir and zack coz sudi hantar diera dgn jane balik. kitorang sempat lg photoshoot kat ridel tuu auwwww untung kan kalau ad kwn photographer cm tuu biaa pun baru first time jumpa tp dy baek sgt handoiii cair sy tgk awk ohh NO tipu jeeee haha kan ta psl-psl ad org jelous xD. habis je snap terus balikkkk buka fb sruh diorang upload gmbr *gila ta sbr-sbr haha jom tgk gmbr ;)
saya sayang dia sampai mati auuwww :)
oyeahhhh kami sepupu
okeee yg tengah tuu hot gila. >zack<
sunshine :)
ohh harap awk ta jelous. jgn jelous okeeeee ?
auuuwwww awk smak.
our photographer become model. haha weird -.-
candid. alahai cantik gmbr. biasaaa la photographer pro g2 kan .
p/s : zack nak photoshoot lg lahh td tuu ta berapa nk ready. haha mak aii ngade-ngade nk mampuss kau diera !
Friday, March 18, 2011
WOAHH ---------------- > LOVE :)
Love is both an action and a feeling. The action of love generates a blissful feeling called by the same name. When the action stops, the blissful feeling is replaced with pain. There is a similar feeling called lust which may be confused with love. You need to decipher between the two in order to have a healthy heart. Every person is capable of great love (and its opposite, fear, which generates all painful emotions such as hate, greed and jealousy).
While there are many different ways to define love and there are many different ways to love someone (or even yourself), here is a general guide to loving.
Say it. When you say the words "I Love You", they should carry with them the desire to show someone that you love them, not what you simply want to feel. When you say it, make sure you really mean it and are willing to do anything for that special person.
Empathize. Put yourself in someone else's shoes. Rather than impose your own expectations or attempt to control them, to understand how they feel, where they come from, and who they are. Realize how they could also love you back just as well.
Love unconditionally. If you cannot love another person without attaching stipulations, then it is not love at all, but deep-seated opportunism (one who makes the most of an advantage, often unmindful of others). If your interest is not in the other person as such, but rather in how that person can enhance your experience of life, then it is not unconditional. If you have no intention of improving that person’s life, or allowing that person to be themselves and accepting them as they are, and not who you want them to be, then you are not striving to love them unconditionally.
Expect nothing in return. That doesn't mean you should allow someone to mistreat or undervalue you. It means that giving love does not guarantee receiving love. Try loving just for the sake of love. Realize that someone may have a different way of showing his or her love for you; do not expect to be loved back in exactly the same way.
Realize it can be lost. If you realize that you can lose the one you love, then you have a greater appreciation of what you have. Think how lucky you are to have someone to love. Don't make an idol of the person you love. This will place them under undue pressure and will likely result in you losing them.
Never stop loving. Even if you have been hurt before you should not stop giving love.
lolikeeeee :)woah time photoshoot nk buat mcm tuhh lahh :D
i wish there was someone give me a 'suprise'
conclusion : love is not cruel but human make its cruel n for yesss i will make love become cruel. haha *ching *_^ mood jhat dtg menyerang .
p/s : sy syg 'love' sy. none stop loving u ♥♥♥
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
sunshine part II ♥♥
zaman single sy dah tamat oyeahhh i will miss u 'single' mesti ta bley nk buat perangai gila-gila cm dulu lg kan ala ta kesa lahh sbb 'dy' tu kan npk cm sporting je kan syg kan u sporting kan ? okeeee hope u serius okee dgn i klu ta huh i lari dri u smpai kat planet pluto biaaa u ta bley cr i lg :P
to all guys yg dah setia tunggu dra slama ni sila lahh angkat kaki cr perempuan laen sorry to say :( tp kann kita still bley jd kwn , chill okeee :) its okay klu ta nk kwn pun diera fham....
forget what i had said bout couple is terrible.. haha 6 bulan sy single lame kan ? now awk dtg dlm hidop sy and for yessss i wil make sure u happy with me dear :) lalalalalla ~
ily damn much syg ♥♥♥♥
sweet je kan ? boo nk sweet mcm tuu jgkk boleeyyy ? haha
lalalalallala :P
yess i addicted to you zariff aziz ♥♥♥
to all guys yg dah setia tunggu dra slama ni sila lahh angkat kaki cr perempuan laen sorry to say :( tp kann kita still bley jd kwn , chill okeee :) its okay klu ta nk kwn pun diera fham....
forget what i had said bout couple is terrible.. haha 6 bulan sy single lame kan ? now awk dtg dlm hidop sy and for yessss i wil make sure u happy with me dear :) lalalalalla ~
ily damn much syg ♥♥♥♥
sweet je kan ? boo nk sweet mcm tuu jgkk boleeyyy ? haha
lalalalallala :P
yess i addicted to you zariff aziz ♥♥♥
Badan teramat lahh letih smpai bgn tdoe pun lewat hari ni *harihari pun lewat haha . yesterday punya dinner dgn kaum kerabat 'hayyanesse' memang gempak lahh dapat jumpa dgn bdak2 hayyan yg dah tinggalkan smip doe. u know what i miss them fucking damn much espeacially azhan,fahim n syaz. tabikk ahh dgn korang smalam pakaian fuhhh memang hot gilAA ala-ala diva g2 kan. amir tnya aq 'weyh bkp mum ta pkai kaen sarong pdey pkai legging gni ta baek' haha OYEAHH mls lahh dgr kau pot pet pot pet. haha ahh caraa ahh aq lapar baek ambik mkanan isi perut dlu nk mkn pun punya lahh lama kena tunggu sbb kitorang makan CHIM CHUM a.k.a steamboat punya lahh bnyk ambik mknan dasar tamak kann taw lahh lapar agak2 lahh nk ambik mknan pun. okeee chim chum siap dimasak suda jom mkn ermmmm yummmy tp kan time nk ambik sotong dlm dpur tiba-tiba errrr jatuh haha mkn guna chopstick biasa laaa licin kannn nasib pndai control :P
kami happy . oyeahhhh syg korang :)
will miss u all :(
chim chum
kami happy . oyeahhhh syg korang :)
will miss u all :(
chim chum
okeeee dah siap makan kan so bayar lahh. all together campur punya cmpur kena bayar 334.30 haha okeee lahh tu bukan makan sorang pun tp rmai2 lahh. time for shoot plak okeee haha dua org wooot bwk diorang punya DSLR farreey n fadhil auwwwwww jeless coz korang ad dslr nk jgkk ! haha jgn mimpi lahh mama nk bg ishh kedekut >.< jom lahhh tgk gmbar2 kitorang. hope laen kali boleyy hang out samasama lg
Thursday, March 10, 2011
| sunshine |
lalalala :) woah happy je hari ni kan kan ? mestilah exam dah tamat n cuti skula pun start yessssssss happy tahap gabann der. skull break 4 sleep ? haha no no no skull break mestilahh nk enjoy ta kan dok terperap je dlm rumah tidoe. okeee dis saturday nk pergi lib konon nye lahh sape nk ikot jomm sbb lib tu bkn lib bapak aq pun. prgi lib bkn nya stdy tp jumpa kwn2 hah teruk ngat kan haha. then hari ahad plak aq ad dinner dgn vee,jane,fareyy n blaa blaa blaa........... erm nk pkai bju ape ea bju tido sudaaa haha nama pun mlm kan *msti ad ore kato gilo haha perluke kitorang buat dinner segala mcm neh of course lah perlu mengeratkan lg silaturahim between us idea ni dtg dr miss universe kita a.k.a cik vee, okeee vee always bg idea2 baek punya bgs teruskann dear :) nanti next minggu depan stu lg plak ad something kitorang nk buat yg neh btol2 secret sssshhh ta bley bgtaw nanti 'bdak' tuu taw wait n c yaaa sygg. okeee lah nk stop my karutan kat cni je bley coz nk mandi bushuk sbb bru blek skula haha byeeeeee :D
MANusia-manusia yg akan menjayakan dinner ahad ini. haha they is part of my life without them life is zero ♥♥♥
MANusia-manusia yg akan menjayakan dinner ahad ini. haha they is part of my life without them life is zero ♥♥♥
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
frust =.=
Gilaaaaaaa ! hah lepas perasaan sbb frust gila babeng. 1st date kau dgn aq pun kau dahh buat hal neh 1st time taw ta aq fall in love gila-gila dgn kau tp kann sanggup kau buat perangai dgn aq :'( dulu msa aq tgk kau memang lahh mcm ta dew perasaan g2 tp skrang kau dahh manderem aq bia jd gila kat kau, kau taruk ubat ape hah ? dahhh lah rmai mnat kat kau npk nyer tergugat lahh aq okeee aq mcm nk surrender je dri terus fall in love smpai kemaruk tgk kau even dalam mimpi. MAYBE first date neh last date between us i think. kalau lahh jodoh kita ta pnjang kann aq errrr terpaksa simpan kenangan kita dlm otakkk je skurang-kurang nyee aq pernah couple dgn kau *okeee aq bangga =.= hurm BIO oh BIO hancusss berkecai aq tgk kau td confirm memang aq kena drop kau, ape punya susah lahh kau td hurmm nk copy yg org sbelah punyer answer cg dok tengok n jeling2 cm ta puass aty je dgn aq huh cg sy punyer psl lahh nk tiru ke ape ke yg cg kesaaa pe hal ad sy guna mata cg ke aishh geram je nk ckp cm tuhh *blah lahh mce lahh brani sangat ! tgk jam td bru pukul 10 a.m okeee tido lahh dlu lmbt lagi msa nk abis tdoe dalam 10 minit then bgn smbung jwb soalan. HAH jwb punyer jwb kosong je byk paper aq msa ad 20 minit lg *hurmm tunggullah nanti times up org mesti kalut nk pungut kertas mse tu lahh nk copy n paste pun tapikan laen yg jd cg kata *okee semua masa menjawab suda tamat sila letak pen SEKARANG jgn pusing kiri dan kanan letak alat tulis anda atas lantai CEPAT !! mak aii terkejut thap gaban siot hilang angan2 nk tiru so kertas pun ape lagi kosong la msa tuhh gabra gilerr nk nanges pun ad tp kann kat luaran npk COOL je dlm hati nanges ! so confirm BIO aq failed :(
esokk exam fizik dgn addmath perlu ke stdy ? haha ta perlu kot sbb mcm ta de mood g2 n esokk aq nk TRY catat rekod nk tinggal kosong je paper sbb klu aq jwb pun memang sah lahh slah sbb aq ta suka +math dgn fizik urghh blahhh lahh korang. dari aq drop bio baek aq drop dua subjek tuhh >.<
okeee nk smbung baca novel mls stdy byeeee
esokk exam fizik dgn addmath perlu ke stdy ? haha ta perlu kot sbb mcm ta de mood g2 n esokk aq nk TRY catat rekod nk tinggal kosong je paper sbb klu aq jwb pun memang sah lahh slah sbb aq ta suka +math dgn fizik urghh blahhh lahh korang. dari aq drop bio baek aq drop dua subjek tuhh >.<
okeee nk smbung baca novel mls stdy byeeee
♡ ♡ ♡
way to release stress before bio exam *snapping :P
sayang damn much
♡ ♡ ♡
i wish theres still a change for me to be with u and i will prove my love to u :(
okee better aq drop bnda neh >.< sy NO to them
motif gpo bena aq amek gmbr neh jah ? hurm nk tunjuk betpa syg nyo ko bio :P
woah unik kan ? erm ta lahh sgt BIO syg kan kan ? *ching
Saturday, March 5, 2011
spm 2011 candidate ♥♥♥♥
lama sudaaa aq ta update blog coz bz nk prepare mcm2. eyh ad cyter lucu plus dgn geram neh smalam aq dapat msj 'layang' dy ckp 'perempuan kampung koya vogue' fulamakkk ayat power lahh babe. satu je aq nk ckp ADA AQ KESA ? suke aty aq lahh nk buat ape pun hidop aq bkn hidop kau. haha so funny lahh kau neh manusia aq tnya kau sape ta nk bgtaw klu dah berani sgt facetofece lahh apeee kes klu stakat berani dlm msj je . okeeee stop story psl manusia inseng tuuhh. EXAM datang lagi handoi klu lahh aq skula swasta ta pyh nk exam mcm bez g2 kan ? hari neh paper BM 1 & 2 gilaa pengalaman baru jawab bm tnpa soklan objektif. mcm org bodoh je aq tgk soklan tiba2 kuar karangan BLUR jap lps tgk soklan bm 1 okeee lg lahh sbb karangan je kuar tp paper 2 urghhhh memang failed lahh dah tu tnya soklan psl novel tuhh mcm lahh aq neh hadap nk bca novel skula tuhh *gila kau diera nvel 600 m/s tuhh bley lahh plak bca. T.T menangis dlm kegembiraan sebab dpt memenuhi ruang kertas jawapan dgn bntuan diri sendiri WOAH hebatkannn ? *ching
esokk paper bi hah neh lg satu aq blur erm okeee aq nk jawab ape yg aq taw bkan ape yg soklan nk. suke aty lahhhh nk jwb ape klu cg nk sy dapat A cg bg lahh markah lebih ckit okeee ala 3 bulan sekali je jgn lahh kedekut sgt tuhan mrh taw cg *mati aq klu teacher aq tgk neh. subjek yg paling aq takot skarang neh BIO dahh laa sape bley markah bio rendah kena drop bio OMG ta sanggup aq clash dgn bio. KAU taw ta bio aq sayang kau setengah mati dalam banyak2 subjek kau lahh pling aq syg sbb aq mnat nk taw lebih psl kau. esokkk kita buat DATE sepenuh masa okeee ?jgn lahh kau menambahkan beban aq tolonglah tolong masuk cepat dalam otak aq. kau pun mesti ta nak kan clash dgn aq ermmm kalau lahh jodoh kita ta panjang aq terpaksa lahh date dgn mr. IT plak. uwaaaaaaa ta nk aq nk kau BIO kau je yg laen ta nak !
k lahh aq nk date dgn mr.bio jap. byeeee all ♥♥♥♥♥
esokk paper bi hah neh lg satu aq blur erm okeee aq nk jawab ape yg aq taw bkan ape yg soklan nk. suke aty lahhhh nk jwb ape klu cg nk sy dapat A cg bg lahh markah lebih ckit okeee ala 3 bulan sekali je jgn lahh kedekut sgt tuhan mrh taw cg *mati aq klu teacher aq tgk neh. subjek yg paling aq takot skarang neh BIO dahh laa sape bley markah bio rendah kena drop bio OMG ta sanggup aq clash dgn bio. KAU taw ta bio aq sayang kau setengah mati dalam banyak2 subjek kau lahh pling aq syg sbb aq mnat nk taw lebih psl kau. esokkk kita buat DATE sepenuh masa okeee ?jgn lahh kau menambahkan beban aq tolonglah tolong masuk cepat dalam otak aq. kau pun mesti ta nak kan clash dgn aq ermmm kalau lahh jodoh kita ta panjang aq terpaksa lahh date dgn mr. IT plak. uwaaaaaaa ta nk aq nk kau BIO kau je yg laen ta nak !
k lahh aq nk date dgn mr.bio jap. byeeee all ♥♥♥♥♥
Monday, February 21, 2011
Putting Power in Your Steps
To come from a place power, a clear understanding of past, present, and future is critical. In dwelling on the past, we are deterred from our dreams and dream objectives. By emotionally living in the past, we distract ourselves from discovering and giving voice to our deepest, most inspirational desires.The Past Does Not Equal the FutureIn thinking of the past, we stir up negative explanations as to why our dreams can’t come true because they haven’t come true in the past. It is a specific sort of blame game and subtracts from our power to take responsibility for what our life has become. Develop a habit of catching yourself in these thoughts and instantly correct them to shift your power by taking action in the present moment.Our lives are a reflection of what we continuously focus on. Therefore, if we continue to focus on what happened in the past, we continue to repeat the past. History repeats itself, particularly for those who keep focusing on it!“But how can I learn from my mistakes if I don’t look back?” Although this question seems to make sense, there is weakness in this thinking. It makes the assumption that mistakes have been made. However, I believe that there is no such thing as failure, and that all seeming failure is an opportunity for adjustment. An adjustment is an improvement, rather than a correction of a mistake. When we think in terms of mistakes, this thinking comes from lack, or fear.In thinking from power, faith, and responsibility, we simply make improvements. When we shift our thinking from fear of repeating mistakes to acceptance of a learning opportunity, the negative past loses its power over us.The Future
The future is exciting because it’s a blank slate, and if we understand it as a creative opportunity, the future will not keep us in fear. The past is gone and the future is not yet here, so by investing ourselves too much in either the past or the future, we diminish our power to act in the present moment.If live in the future in our mind, then we can easily get into fear, and become afraid of what will or won’t happen. “What if?” may be a statement of fear about the future, and when you catch yourself saying it, that is an opportunity to change your attitude to one of faith instead of fear.Having faith in the future is a way to establish your dreams in the thinking stuff. Fear of the future is focusing on and visualizing a negative outcome. To see good dreams manifested, invest positive faith in the future and guide your thoughts away from fear of the future and fear of the past.The Powerful Present Moment
The past and future are illusory. They are not tangible, and only reside in the mind. This is where the self-control of thoughts will influence your dreams—in the present moment. The present moment is so powerful that modern quantum physics shows evidence that the present can alter the past. When we begin to define our dream statement of 15 words or less, it is powerful to make the statement in the present tense. We, therefore, visualize our dreams in the present and actually attract the future based on our focus.
STEP 1—Launch Your Courage
CONCEPT: Courage to Dream
STEP 2—Drive Your Desires
CONCEPT: Conscious Belief Systems
STEP 3—Free Your Imagination
CONCEPT: Imagination Stimulation
STEP 4—Stage Your Dream
CONCEPT: Enlightened Visualization
STEP 5—Pen Your Dream Script
CONCEPT: Power of Words-Write it!
STEP 6—Set Your Dream on Fire
CONCEPT: Ignite Dream Momentum
STEP 7—Publish Your Dream Plan Book
CONCEPT: Connect with the “Thinking Stuff”
STEP 8—Inspire Your Dream With Action
CONCEPT: Power of the Present Moment
STEP 9—Awaken Your Dream with Thanks
CONCEPT: Attraction Action of Gratitude
STEP 10—Become a Dream Achiever
CONCEPT: Live, Share, Expand Your Dreams
sumpah benci kau !
sumpahh aq benci kau ! sebab kau mata aq bengkak smalam. yess aq admit sbelom neh aq syg ag kat kau tp started from yesterday i'm totally hate u damn much. and sebab kau lahh aq ta couple n aq jd anti couple even aq taw ta semua laki player mcm kau tp skarang kau dah retired jd player ni kan ? *big clap too u. aq pun ta taw nape lahh aq bley syg kat kau dlu tahap dewa and now aq menyesal yg teramat sbb pernah knl kau ! maybe pengajaran kott bg aq sbb aq dlu pun mcm kau jgkk player tp tuu sbelom aq knl kau. SUMPAH esokk dan seterusnya aq ta kan nangis sebab kau lg aq pun ta taw motif ape aq nangis smalam *sewel. jg laa girlfie kau tu baek-baek okeeee >.<
ape motif aq tlis bnda neh ? juz for nauseating feeling :)
totally mad tonite
woahh aq janji nk story mory hari sabtu lg tp now dahh hari isnin *apa punyer manusia lahh kau neh :) actually aq aq ta de mood nk buat ape-ape sbb err 'personal prob' ala ta nak la mention kat cni sbb ta perlu pun ckp bnda yg ta brape nk penting tuu. TODAY once again i did not go to skull , know y ? because i got headache n stomach ache plus having a fight with senior should i call them senior ? ohh of course coz they older than me :) respect my 'senior' even they dont know how to respect me. oke fullstop ! td kawan aq text aq ckp ad new student msk klaz aq then cg ubah kedudukan dlm klaz aish ape kesss neh cg ?! *felt like wanna cry :'( ohh cg pleazz ta nk tukar tempat, suruh lahh pelajar baru tuuh duq sore *wish dat my teacher read dis :( wahh cpat laa esokk aq nk tgk pelajar bru sesi 'beramah mesra' dgn diera HAHA. jgn ingat aq buat inverted coma tuuu aq mksdkan bnda laen oke SERIOUS aq ta tpu. klau aq bdak jahat aq buat yg sebaliknya oke a.k.a BULI tp no no no i'm a GOOD GIRLS :) instead my friend stabbed behind me pun senyum je kerja. nk buat ape lagi ta kan nk tikam balik ONEday she got what she do to me back juz wait 4 da time come too u babe. hilang kawan lebih sakit dri hilang boyfie. janji nk sentiasa ad klu kawan susah tp tmbah mslh ad lahh. u promise me wanna supported me when i was in trouble but what had u done ?? HAHA SILLY ! janji kosong je kau taw buat yee pompuan ? sorry i felt bit emosional today who can lend me ur shoulder 4 me to cry :'( i'm, not in mood to have a long chit-chat. okeee byeeeee ♥♥
janji ? haktuihh lupakan
p/s : totally out of mood tonite
janji ? haktuihh lupakan
p/s : totally out of mood tonite
Friday, February 18, 2011
18.02.2011 ♥♥♥
WOAH da lama aq ta update blog neh kan , actually ta taw nk post ape kat blog neh ~lalala. aiyaaa EXAM ta kurang ta lebih 2 minggu dri skarang alahai MATI aq bku swear aq ta sentuh langsung pun klu failed pun ad aq kesahh ? *aish ta layak jd pelajar smip
ESOKK 19.02.2011 dgn rasminya smip mengadakan pertandingan merentas desa, yeahh NUM 1 tuu akan jd milik aq *blahh laa num 1 konon jgn nk perasan haha. sewajibnya esok kitorang melenggang dan tgk pemandangan alam jgn haraplah aq nk lari skit kaki taw lari :(
HARI neh aq dpat bad news ayah classmate aq telah meninggal dunia. sama-sama lah kita sedekahkan al-fatihah kpda arwah :'(
NISA sbar oke ALLAH syg koe ayah mum lg. JGN cdey2 taw be STRONG babe :)
erm cukup lah setakat neh aq sTORY MORy okeee ? nk buat preparation 4 merentas desa esok *ciss perasan ta habis. okee byeeee all ♥♥♥
sayang korang ♥♥♥
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
desa rentas kami
urgh letih nk mati hari neh swear ta tipu ! eyh lucu kan merentas desa pun perlu ad latihan waste time je cg buat latihan neh klu terus buat tournament teruskan ta pe ini ta menyusahkan kitorang kaum smip je. sumpah aq letih sampai 'babak' dalam klaz. tp ad baek nyew jgk ta pyh blaja bnyk2 td aq bosan laa menghadap buku je 24 jam aiyaa nak muntah der. hari sabtu neh bru la merentas desa yg sebenarnya tp err mls nk p klu aq msk pun confirm TA MENANG ! haha coz aq da retired dah bab lari-lari neh skrang kerja aq jalan je no lari-lari ! :p
bodohh sempat lg posing ! haha
yeah she is my lesbo
run baby run :)
panas siot :(
korang tgk laa kaum smip yg 'usaha' neh lari haha xD
bodohh sempat lg posing ! haha
yeah she is my lesbo
run baby run :)
panas siot :(
korang tgk laa kaum smip yg 'usaha' neh lari haha xD
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